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10 simple ways to lose weight naturally...

1. Drink lots of water daily.

Water is a healthier way to losing weight; drinking 1 litre of water a day can hydrate all parts of your body and cleansing your system as it takes out all the toxins that you consume leaving the body fresh and slimmer.

2. Replacement meals

If you got sugar/ salt cravings and you feel you are pressured to give them up because you want to lose weight well you don’t have to. No one has to go through that even I won’t feel comfortable without a little sweetness to my belly.

• White rice to Brown Rice

• Chocolate to Dark Chocolate

• Fried meals to Boiled meals

• Snacks to Nuts/Fruits

or low calorie snacks (read the Nutrition label)

If you are dying to eat high calories of foods of your choice have a ‘cheat day!’ By eating what you desire but only when that particular day comes.

3. Stretches

This is my favourite type of activity to help you lose weight without any heavy lifting. Do stretch every part of your body and try watching yoga on YouTube to get some idea on how to stretch your muscles and to let air through every parts of your body. Do this in the mornings when you wake up and in the afternoons. This will help you lose weight regularly.

4. Finding things to do

Let yourself get busy; do things that you love or make habits to clean your room, seeing friends etc. this will help you forget the thought of over eating when you’re bored and doesn’t let you think about consuming foods that much in a day.

5. Changing up plates

Try switching to smaller plates than normal plates when having your meals. This can trick you into eating small variety of foods and being full.

6. Eat slowly!

Eating slowly can notify the brain to keeping up with your consumption; knowing when to stop eating instead of over eating when you dive into your meals.

7. Weigh yourself

If you don’t have a scale then grab one. This is to allow yourself to know how much you weigh and how much you want to weigh. Can motivate you to eat less and focus on your weight. But please do not rely on it!

8. Dance

I love to dance personally whether I’m feeling crazy, happy or in that inner stripper mode which we all get sometimes. Allow yourself to move regularly; play your favourite songs that gets you hype, move around the house and get crazy! Well that’s only if you’re alone. But this will get your body motivated and enough to burn some calories while you’re having fun.

9. Avoid/ watch out using red/yellow coloured plates or deemed lights in fridges!

This would increase your appetite into eating more and more foods. Restaurants or Fast-food Joints use 'that trick' to make the foods appetizing which they aren't really...

10. Don’t be stressed

Allow yourself to be happy, relaxed and focused to your goals or else stress can lead to over eating and even breakouts 😳

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